Analytics Measurement Plan

Start your digital marketing strategy with a carefully-crafted measurement plan

Who It's For

Whether you are a digital marketing manager or a business stakeholder, having clearly defined business goals, marketing objectives, KPIs, segments, and reporting needs ensures that your organization is collecting appropriate data which helps inform decisions on ongoing marketing and sales efforts.

Why You Need It

Our analytics marketing plan helps organizations leverage Google Analytics to gain an understanding of business performance by identifying metrics valuable to digital channel success. The plan also includes strategies for data collection via tagging and analytics tools and approach to dashboarding and visualization.

What's Included

Our Process


Define Business Objectives

Create a list of high level objectives for the business website


Establish Measurement Goals

Identify measurement goals associated with each business objective


Choose KPIs

Set key performance indicators that will help measure goal performance


Set Performance Benchmarks

Utilize benchmarks to track progress against established KPIs


Identify Valuable Segments

Segment data to gain additional performance insights


Establish Tracking & Reporting

Document tagging and reporting requirements for implementation

Questions a Measurement Plan Helps Answer

Track ongoing performance with a clear set of organizational objectives, goals, and KPIs

Having a clear understanding of organizational objectives is paramount to successful marketing campaigns. A measurement plan helps companies break down overall business objectives into quantifiable goals. Defining marketing success before campaigns are launched creates an opportunity to set performance benchmarks against established KPIs and allows for continuous monitoring of campaign performance.

Without clear benchmarks and KPIs to track, it is impossible to understand campaign performance, identify issues, and drive continuous improvement. A measurement plan sets clear benchmarks and identifies the most important metrics, which sets up the tracking and tagging requirements.

Identifying valuable segments allows for deeper analysis of user behavior. Not all analytics tools allow for retroactive data segmentation so it is imperative to plan ahead and ensure appropriate data collection. 

An effective measurement plan should also include implementation and platform guidelines. This includes tagging requirements, developer documentation, analytics software recommendation, data storage, and more. 

Once the benchmarks, KPIs, and segments are identified and tagging and data collection have been implemented, the next step is to set up reporting dashboards. All charts, graphs, tables, and other important visualizations should be outlined in the measurement plan based on the previously identified metrics.

Do You Need a Measurement Plan?

Talk to one of our expert digital analytics consultants today!